Remote Work / WFH

Post coronavirus pandemic, work from home and remote offices have become the new norm to many employees. So, how can you, as a business owner, prepare to transition your workforce into a remote team that still performs at the highest level? We've created a step-by-step process to help you prepare moving your resources to the cloud. If you'd like assistance in putting a hosted remote technology plan in place, contact us and we'll get you in touch with one of our trusted advisors.

01 High Speed Internet

The first step:  Survey your employees to see what kind of broadband they are using at home. To run business voice and video calls, a good standard is 50 Mbps down and 5 Mbps upload speed.

02 Phone System

The key features of UCaaS which enable your remote employees by leveraging the benefits of united communications in the cloud include: Video Conferencing, Mobile Apps, Collaboration, and CRM Integration.

03 Desktop Workspace

With Active Directory, you can ensure certain file-sharing rules within your own Local Area Network. Two promising technologies address these features and move them all to the cloud while maintaining centralized control over access permissions are: Workspace as a Service and Desktop as a Service.

04 Contact Center

Does your business have a contact center or in-office help desk? Having a Cloud Contact Center solution allows your employees to support your clients while working from home.

05 Identify / Provide 

Don't let Covid-19 hold your company back; make sure your employees have access to the technology they need:
  • Mobile or soft phone
  • Desktop or laptop computer 

06 Remote File Share

When you send your workers home, they must be able to share, collaborate on, and store files in the cloud. Some popular cloud storage providers are: 
  • Microsoft Office 365 - One Drive
  • Google G-Suite - Google Drive
  • Dropbox
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